It’s no secret that workers’ comp insurance can be tricky. Between the complex laws and regulations and all the different carriers to choose from, there can seem to be a lot of information to navigate. Here’s what you need to know about workers’ comp in North Carolina and how All Insurance Services can help you choose what works best for you and your business.
What You Should Know About Workers’ Comp Insurance in North Carolina
North Carolina has a no-fault workers’ comp system. This means that an employee does not have to prove fault to receive benefits for on-the-job injuries or illnesses. However, it is still important for employees to note whether they are working with employer-provided insurance or if they need their own policy. In North Carolina, the average cost for workers’ comp insurance is 90 cents per $100 of payroll. Workers’ comp insurance benefits in North Carolina can include:
- Temporary total benefits
- Temporary partial benefits
- Permanent partial benefits
- Total and permanent disability
- Cost of living adjustments and travel expenses
- Lifetime coverage of travel expenses
Workers’ Comp Insurance Laws in North Carolina
Employees are covered by workers’ comp no matter who is at fault for the accident that caused their injuries. This means that if an employee gets hurt while walking into work, they can still file a claim even though it was not necessarily because of workplace conditions or hazards. North Carolina workers’ compensation laws also state:
- Out-of-state workers are covered
- LLC members are normally not considered employees
- Employers must cover subcontractors’ employees
Where Can I Purchase Workers’ Comp Insurance in North Carolina?
In North Carolina, you have four options for purchasing workers’ comp insurance. Those options include:
- Commercial carrier
- Professional employment organizations
- A self-insurance group
- Self-insure
North Carolina requires employers to carry workers’ comp insurance, along with other business insurances. Need workers’ comp insurance? Contact All Insurance Services today at 919-779-5115.