This question comes up at renewal time for many business owners. Most understand the requirement to provide Workers’ Compensation, but are faced with a major revenue strain when they have to pay a large payment (i.e. Down Payment or End of Year Audit). This difficult decision for many small business often comes at a much larger cost than the unpaid policy premium.
· Did you know that Workers Comp often has billing options? More than typical single pay or monthly
· What if you only paid what you owed each month? Busy time of the year you pay more and less during those off seasons
· Wouldn’t it be nice if the dreaded audit was simplified to a few minutes AND no surprise balloon payments afterwards?
· Would you like to improve cash flow?
· What if you could eliminate down payments all together?
If you’re a small business owner and any of these questions shoot off fireworks, contact one of our Workers’ Compensation Specialists today!
Bruce Hamrick, CIC, RWCS 919.779.5115