Hunting season is here and many of you have your ATV all gassed up and ready to go. So, what happens when you are out in the woods riding your ATV and there is an accident? Do you have the coverage you need to avoid any financial expense on your part?
Your homeowner policy has minimal coverage while it is on your property. Once you cross that property line, coverage ends.
So what does the ATV policy cover? The liability covers damage you may cause to someone’s property or person while you are riding. The physical damage covers your ATV in the event that the unit is stolen, damaged in an accident, or a wild buck decides to spar with your unit. The coverage is similar to an auto policy. In addition, there is coverage for any accessories you may have attached to the unit up to a certain limit depending on the company.
An ATV policy is a great option for the hunting enthusiast as they head out to the woods, lake or mountains. It gives you one less concern to know it is covered and you can concentrate on your aim and enjoy the time outdoors.